Sunday, February 1, 2009

there was an unknown guy who suddenly comment one of blog post~~
"awk neh kn med student???tp asek post psl hal awk je..cbe la post bende brfaedah sket"
panas gler ak!!!
this is my blog...ske ati ak la ak nk tls ap??
when there is a 'medical student' title, then i have to write everything bout medicine??
if nk taw sgt bout medicine, why didnt u apply for medical course mse UPU dlu kale??
or just go to bookshop and buy some medical books, then read it by yourself!!
tak pon,just come n see me...i'll give u my books yg x abes2 bace tuh..
being a med student already been a pressure for me...dont add it up plzz...
i only write post when im free...which is very rare~~
im doing this to release my tension
if you dont like it...DONT VIEW MY BLOG~~


Anonymous said...

la menci gile sape ni? ak pn rse cam nak bagi haktuih kat die. sukati org ah


MyOwNwOrLd said...

thx ash~~
ko pon sme ngn ak gak kn med stu


ibnu sina inamza said...

yeah!!!bravo sis!!!

salute for u!

kuteng said...

ni cm kes ak dlu2 j..
sume2 org pon komplen..
diorg nih bajet bijak j..
klu nk sgt cte psl mnde berfaedah..
wt r blog sdri.

MyOwNwOrLd said...

anis : thx bro!!hehe

kuteng : taw xpe!!!menci gle ak~~

luv u guys olwiz!!!!

elya~nadia said...

huuu.. marah nmpak yunk..
kasi kaki jerk kat owg cmtue!!

chaiyok2 eira!!! hehe..