Sunday, June 21, 2009


Rules and regulation of the tag ;
All 10 people must do unless they don't have a blog. Write the names of 10 friends you can think of in your head. And then answer the questions. Say you're guessing if you don't know, but at least guess on all of them. After doing this, tag your unlucky friends to do the same.

1. sy.sara
2. kuteng
3. najwae
4. fzah
5. zaf
6. faizah
7. mardi
8. ejat
9. dhira
10.sarah atika

1. How do you meet 7?
UKM lor...she's my roomate =)

2. What would you do if you and 5 had never met?
x dpt la pinjam dvd die yg byk2 tu!!!(haha..)

4. Have you seen 7 cried?
hhhmmm...x penah rasenye..x nk cedey2!!

6. Do you think 1 is attractive?
of course!!!!sara mmg CUN!!

7. What's 2 favourite colour?
black i guess...btol x teng???

8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
kt kolej b4 sem break??

9. What language does 8 speak?
malay n english..tq..

10. Who is 3 going out with?
najwa???idk..but for sure,die nk sgt date ngn heechul..kan najwa??

12. Where does 8 live?

13. What is the best thing about 4?
lalala...lepak always..

14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ?
sarah lme x jmpe...jom wat reunion skola rendah!!!

15. What is the best thing about 2?
bijak giler bdk neh!!

16. Have you ever kiss 2?
astaghfirullah...bkn muhrim!!!

17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
zaf,time kaseh penah anta sye balek umah w/pon da tgh mlm..

18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?
in one week time je lg!!excited!!

19. How is 7 different from 6?
mardi n differences..they r twins..lolz

20. Is 2 pretty?
kuteng, ko pikir sendiri la soklan neh..ak x sanggop nk jwb!!

21. What was your 1st impression of 5?
org plg sempoi dlm dunia ini!!!

22. How did you meet 3?
sye roomate ngan mardi,then knl la si fzah,pas2 knl la pulak ngn najwa si roomate fzah!!!

23. Who's 5?
cik zafirah akmal azahar

24. Do you hate 2?
ehh..ak syg kuteng!!hehe

25. Have you seen 8 in the last month?
yup..we went to movie 2geda..die siap sleep over at my home

26. When was the last time you saw 6?
last month, i went to her sister's wedding..

27. Have you been to 5's house?
nope..nnti raye kte nk g la..bley kn zaf??

28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
dunno...berkuron da x jmpe..

29. Are you close to 1?
she's one of my close friends..

30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
of course!!!

31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
a lot!!!she's started as an enemy but end up being my bestfriend!!
luv ejat~~

32. Would you give 9 a hug?
dhira..nnti naek sem kte nk hug awk la..haha

33. When have you lied to 3?
xde rasenye...klu ad, mintak maap byk2..

34. Is 1 good at socializing?
yup.kelihatannya begitu..

37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
hhmmm..she's quite a new friend to, nothing memorable yet..
dhira, jom make one??

38. Has 2 met your parents?
yup..kuteng prnh dtg umah sye..

39. How did you meet 1?
maktab rendah sains mara terendak melaka

40. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
ooo...tidak pernah!!!

41. Do you live close to 7?
x dkt,x jaoh...stu negeri la..haha

42. What is 8's favourite food?
she enjoyed sushi a lot!!

44. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?

45. If you give 4 a $100, What would she / he spend it on?
kaye ke aku neh, nk kasi fzah free2 100..shoppin sakan la gamat nye..



MARDI MY said...

aku tepikir gak..cane ku leh kenal si fzah tu hah??
**perah otak**
adei tak ingt la plak
[cik fzah,jgn marah bii..
"nnt mak belanje eskrem yek~~"]

nadhira khairudin said... probs!!~

n a j w a e said...

Xmola date ngan heechul
Nanti terase hodoh dok sebelah die!

erm madi,saye cam tau
fizah bek ngan siti, siti bek ngan awk. so fizah bek ngan awk.
hahaha..btol x?

MyOwNwOrLd said...

so,mardi roomate sye,mardi baek ngn siti,siti baek ngan fzah,so mardi knl la si fzah,then mardi knl la jgk cik najwae sbb cik najwa roomate fzah,lastly..sye knl cik najwa jgk.

lastly, end up sumenye ade minat yg same which is SuJu!!!!
cyg korang~


~ f Z a h ~ said...

haha mcm2 la korg..
sy knal mardi..dlm mimpi kot???

btol x??
sbb die salu merempat atas katil ku..

to ira:aku solat hajat mntak2 btol la ko kasi 100 eh..ley kuar shoping!hehe

MARDI MY said...

mcm2 hypotesis yg timbul
terime kasih kwn2 krn tolg sy mncari kembali ingtan yg tlh bukn bukn, yg tlh pudar.
waduii,bemadah plak..

mmg pon
salu ku jmpe ko dlm mimpi fzah
mcm2..ko kawen ngn spe la, dpt ank bpe la, ko akn jd ape nnt la, byk klo ko nak tau selanjutnya, kene wat baik ngn aku
ade paham?

i.Z.z.A.t.I said...

haha.syg ko berkoyankoyan!

sarah said...

JOM !!!!

sounds great