saje je nk post
this is actually the official SuJu 2nd asia tour poster
(which yg sye berangan nk pegi..x sure pon lgi die tour kl x??)

try carik hyukjae a.k.a eunhyuk in this pic
betape excited nye die waving the light stick
suke la tu tgk pcd
this is pic during pcd concert in seoul
many kpop stars attended the concert
*lalala...da ngantok..mau tido*
anda di'tag'!!~~
unfortunately ira, mereka x dtg KL.
source from kwn ak yg mmg kipas-susah-mati Suju gak. Dia admin suju nyer forum,saphire pearl (kalo x silap).frust menonggeng die ble dpt news tu,nangis. haha! dasat tol.
neway,jom la kte g konsert double S. ak seorang triple S yg cemerlang dan bersemangat waja!hahaha
kumpul duit bebanyak b4 december sb ak nk tiket plg mahal! ^^
satgi kalo kuar news cancel asia tour SS, ak lak yg menonggeng. adoi~
love, nadea.
masih ade harapan
nadea : i knew it!!!!diorang msti choose singapore over kl...huhu
xpe2...kite ronggeng 2geda wif SS501..
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