Sunday, February 28, 2010

its.true :

Festival 1Malaysia is officially over
the pameran went well as well as the explorace 
that i am organizing for the whole 2 months since january

what a relief!!! 

thanks to all my exco, ajk as well as my fellow supreme committee
all of you guys did a great job today

story one:

i was instructed to be one of the station master for the explorace
since the locations involves all around KL, i was lucky enough to be the station master at bukit bintang

as i was waiting for the participants to come to my station 
[while drinking my beloved caramel macchiato, credit to starbucks..haha]
 which happen to be the last checkpoint,
there are this very one english man came to me to ask for direction

mr. english man : excuse me, may i know where is the entrance to this plaza??
me: ooo...its over there [pointing towards the entrance]. just go there and you'll see the entrance.
mr english man : nice english!!! [happy face] thank you..
me : [suprise face] ooo, thank you..

let us think deep into this situation and make some reflection

i can choose whether to be optimistic or pessimistic

optimistic : maybe i do speak good English [hahaha...berlagak giler!!! pls forgive me]

pessimistic : part of me feel quite offended when he said that i speak nice English. at some point, i felt that he is assuming that Malaysian don't speak good English. this assumption might be wrong.

what do you guys think??

if its true that Mr. English man assumes that Malaysian don't speak good English, at least I've proved him wrong.

the true is my English is cukop2 makan only.

story two:

this happen on my way back to faculty after finish my job at bukit bintang
i was the only Malay, and i was with other three of my non-Malay friends
as we were in the monorail, my other 3 friends started talking to each other using language 
that i didn't understand a word!!
i felt offended okay
it felt like they don't respect me
i am not trying to be racist
in facts, i like being good friends with people from other races

but please, respect me by talking using a language 
that i understand in front of me so that i wont look stupid
and people around me wont look at me using their weird faces
[as all the people in the monorail doing weird faces, like 'budak neh paham plak??']


1 comment:

kuteng said...

for the first story..
yeah they do think non-native english speakers cant speak good english since most of the malaysian they met first upon arriving is those who doesnt have pretty good english..
mcm driver teksi sume mne la ade yg power english gile babeng..
btol x?..
im not antagonizing taxi driver tp mnde btol kn?..
n most of the students pon kureng2 jgk BI..agk malu disitu..
n if he said that u hve good english..that means u have good english..they are pretty honest in what they say..;p

for the 2nd story..xdpt la nk komen sgt sbb im speaking malay with my friends among those english speakers here tp diorg bkn la my friend or some sort..
maybe ur situation is kinda different but sometimes these ppl lpe org sekeliling die..xpe2 saba j..;p