Wednesday, September 10, 2008

me and my bestfriend

since i woke up this morning(quite late...haha)
i start thinking bout my bestfriend~~ejat
the hotest friend ever!!!
luv u olwiz babe..muaahhxx
i know her since im form 1..she's my roomate
that's a long tyme ago(dah tue da ak..haha)
mse tu kt mrsm trendak
best school ever!!!
it brings lots of sweet memories..dont mention bout the bad ones..huhu
since i got into medical course
everytime we hangout together
ejat will olwiz say dat she's not good enough to be friends wif me and sara
(sara is my another gudfriend-she's taking medicine in uitm)
just because she's only studying tesl
while sara n me are studying medicine...huhu

dear ejat...
doesn't matter if im taking medicine or u taking tesl
there's no difference
every course has it own advantages
just ignore what people wanna say to you
i know that you'll be such a great teacher and all of ur future students will love u
wanna know why???
bcoz...u are the best!!!
u r the best friend ever
and im very sure
u'll be the best teacher too!!!



Axis said...

hoho...her students will stare at her jez like we boys stare at mdm. masuri...hahaha...pple will like her...coz she talks too much...

MyOwNwOrLd said...

the guys stared at mdm masuri bcoz she is so damn beautiful
and so is ejat~~

Qaisy Jaslenda said...

hehe... agree...



takde gambar aku tengah main kat padang tu ker?


MyOwNwOrLd said...

alaa...qaisy, nk jgk pic die mse men kt pdg tu???

k lor...
nnti ak upload kn k??

i.Z.z.A.t.I said...

alolololo..tq my deares frens....!!munchooos3!

Anonymous said...

zati jgn kembang tau..nnt lebar lg,wakakakakakakakkaka *evil2

i.Z.z.A.t.I said...


Axis said...

bkn sng dpt dcomparekn ngn mem masuri...hahaha